Foredrag & minikurser
Krop-Sind-Ånd Helsemesse i Brøndby Hallen d. 31. januar – 2. februar 2025
Create Your Own Reality- An Introduction to Thetahealing
Workshop v. Güliz Uysal
Lørdag kl. 16.00 – 16.45 i Konference lokalet på 1. sal – følg de røde pile på gulvet
ThetaHealing is a world-renowned meditation technique and spiritual philosophy founded by Vianna Stibal.
The ThetaHealing technique helps you improve your mind, body, and spirit by connecting with the Creator Of All That Is. It gives you the opportunity to create your own reality by tranforming you beliefs (subconcious mind) and shows you the way to discover your best life through the pure essence of love.
This seminar is a certified introductory Thetahealing Class where you can register and become a part of THINK(Thetahealing Institude of Knowledge). The Seminar provides you with the field and working principles of Thetahealing where you will also find the opportunity to experience the 7th Plane of Existence and Theta Meditation.
This class is for you to have answers to your questions about Thetahealing and how practitioners use the quantum field to do readings and healings. The class will be followed by a free group healing session after the presentations and discussions.
Güliz Uysal
is the founder of Your Path to the Light which provides services and trainings on healing ,astrology and sprituality. She is a certified Thetahealing Instructor who has also asisted several instructor trainings.
Besides Thetahealing she also practices healing modalities like Angelic Healing with 72 codes, Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, EFT, TFT and Jean Adrienne’s Clearing System.
She is also a certified Astrologer and teaches classes on astrology. She is the member of a lineage which works with the Universal Ancient Wisdoms of Flower of Life.