7 ways tantric Eros changed our life!
Inside and outside the bedroom…

Workshop v. Richard Løvlund og Adriana Isvoranu
Søndag kl. 17.00 – 17.45 i lokale VIP Lounge på 1. sal – følg de røde pile på gulvet

This lecture aims to offer the fascinating world of Tantra seen through the eyes of a tantric couple. Amazing techniques and understandings from the tantric tradition might transform the way any aspirant perceives the world and himself.

We are full of wonderful inner states such as happiness and love that simply wait for us to unlock them by using certain keys that can be very simple. One of the keys is learning to tune ourselves in to those inner states that are wonderful while we do daily activities and to discover what it takes to go from a good life to an amazing fulfilling life.

Tantra starts here and now and offers easy methods within reach of everyone for this to happen both in the bedroom and outside…

Richard Løvlund

er foredragsholder og eventskaber. Jeg er uddannet fra Københavns Universitet som Cand. Agro. Indenfor plantevidenskab. Har tillige studeret nanoteknologi, inden jeg fortsatte agronomstudiet. Jeg har desuden en lederuddannelse som sergent i hæren.

Derudover er jeg uddannet yogalærer og har arbejdet med yoga, tantra og meditation siden 2005 og undervist i mere end 10 år indenfor en lang række emner, hovedsageligt indenfor personlig udvikling. I samme periode har jeg taget uddannelse og arbejdet som terapeut med klienter, der ønskede at finde indre blokeringer, og dernæst forandre deres liv gennem bedre vaner.

Jeg har lang undervisningserfaring (herunder foredrag og workshops) fra både Forsvaret, Københavns Universitet, Erhvervsakademiet Lillebælt, Søndersø produktionshøjskole, Sanderum Folkeskole, samt forskellige yogaskoler.

Adriana Isvoranu

is a Yoga and Tantra for women teacher accredited by Atman Federation of Yoga and Meditation.

She has discovered the magic of integrating all the simple and apparently ordinary aspects of life into a spiritual attitude and a way of being, which reawakens in her a constant spiritual aspiration.

Through Tantra, Adriana discovered that being more of herself as a woman means tuning in more consciously to the Eternal Feminine, MahaShakti. Adriana simply loves being a woman, and this is very perceivable in the enthusiasm which with she teaches and guides other women in discovering their femininity to the deepest layers.

For her, spirituality is not a part of life, but life itself, lived intensely and consciously.