Foredrag & minikurser
Krop-Sind-Ånd Helsemesse i Brøndby Hallen d. 31. januar – 2. februar 2020
Aromatherapy for natural health
Foredrag v. Lisa Lin Halskov
Lørdag kl. 14.00 – 14.45 i Gunnar Nu 3 – følg de røde pile på gulvet
Learn about how Aromatherapy can assist you to relieve stress, insomnia, headache, muscle pain, sinus infection, concentration lack and depression.
– Different ways of using Essential Oils
– Safety of using Essential Oils
– Introducing eight Essential Oils
– How to blend Essential Oils for better results
Lisa Lin Halskov
the founder of TRUESSENCE, is a certified Aromatherapist in the USA. She also holds a diploma from the Science School Formula Botanica of the United Kingdom with specialization in Organic Cosmetics. Her passion for the astonishing natural ingredients is reflected through her 100% handmade products. Coming from a family who believes strongly in taking control of our bodies, Essential Oils have always played a vital role in her life.